IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: I am hosting the information on these pages in hopes that others might find it useful. It is solely my opinion on things and how to maintain/modify a K bike. I am not a trained motorcycle mechanic nor do I claim to be a "guru" nor expert on these bikes, merely a somewhat experienced "shade-tree mechanic." In fact, the only claim to fame I will ever make with respect to K bikes is that I have probably broken and messed up more things K than anybody else on the planet. As the saying goes, experience teaches us things that we never wanted to learn in the first place. I do not warrant that any of the information here is correct or the "right" way to do things. Therefore, any information you use from these pages is AT YOUR OWN RISK and I assume no responsibility whatsoever for any physical, property, emotional or other damages you may incur from use of the information contained herein.