© 2013 Drake Smith - Please do not use or reproduce this elsewhere.  Feel free to link to it though.

12V Power To Tank Bag

Having a power source in your tank bag is handy for running or charging electronics.  Here's how I get power to my tank bags.

Google "rv roof top connector" to find one of these:

It's designed to work with a readily available standard SAE two lead connector.

Take it to the hardware store and find a stainless steel washer with similar inner and outer diameters.  I like to run the power to the top section of the tank bag so the washer and connector need to be trimmed down to fit. Then I drill four mounting holes in both the connector and washer.

And then mount it in the front of the tank bag with stainless steel hardware.

If you want to plug it into a Powerlet socket then search eBay for "hella plug."

© 2013 Drake Smith - Please do not use or reproduce this elsewhere.  Feel free to link to it though.